How to Download A Video Off Facebook

Over the past year, Facebook Watch has actually seen some significant success - since the beginning of 2018, total time invested enjoying videos in Watch has actually enhanced by 14x - How To Download A Video Off Facebook.

Facebook Watch offers thousands of impressive, high-grade videos for both enjoyment as well as academic purposes. It additionally supplies web content you can't find anywhere else, like Huda Kattan's behind-the-scenes show Huda Boss, or Bear Grylls' show, Face The Wild.

So what occurs when you stumble across a great Facebook Watch video yet do not have the moment to see it completely, or locate the material so beneficial you want to save the video and also use it as a recommendation device later on? Thankfully, there's a fast and also easy means to download as well as save Facebook videos on desktop - here, we'll reveal you exactly how.

How To Download A Video Off Facebook

Download a video you have actually published

1. Open up Facebook as well as click the web link to your profile at the top of the display.
2. On your profile page, in the leading area, click More.

3. At the top of the drop-down menu that appears, pick videos.

4. Move your mouse arrow over the video you would love to download, click the Edit switch, and also select download HD or download SD.

Keep in mind: The download HD choice will only be readily available to choose if the video was created or videotaped in HD high quality. If it had not been, only the download SD option will certainly be available.

Note: If both of these alternatives are missing, the video was posted by a good friend and also you're marked in it. You will certainly require to adhere to the action in the next area instead.

5. Your video ought to appear in a brand-new tab. Move your mouse over the video as well as click download icon in the lower-right edge.

Download a video uploaded on your timeline or by various other customers

Note: If you're trying to download a shared video from a various on the internet service (e.g., YouTube), see our web page on just how to download a video from the Internet.

1. Log into Facebook as well as find the video you would love to download.
2. Click the video to make it larger.
3. Right-click the enlarged video and choose Show video URL from the drop-down menu that appears.

3. Highlight the whole URL and after that press Ctrl+ C or right-click and also select Copy from the drop-down menu.
4. Open up a brand-new tab by pushing Ctrl+ T.
5. Paste the LINK into the address bar by pressing Ctrl+ V, and afterwards press Enter.
6. Change "www" or "web" with "mbasic" in the LINK and after that Press Enter.

7. On the next page, click the video to open it in its own home window.
8. Right-click the video as well as select save video as ... from the drop-down menu that appears.

9. Select a save location and a data name for the video, and afterwards click the Save button.