Hide My Birthday On Facebook - A Smarter Way

Hide My Birthday On Facebook - When you enroll in Facebook, the social network requests your birthday celebration to identify whether or not you are old enough to have an account. This is one of the very first pieces of information that it contributes to your account. By default, your pals can see your birthday on your Timeline and also get a notice when the wedding day arrives. If you prefer to not transmit that information to your links on the social media, you can conceal it.

Hide My Birthday On Facebook

Hide My Birthday On Facebook

No matter what you're trying to hide, when you log into your Facebook account, virtually every little thing is set through the Setups food selection.

Hide Birthday On Facebook

But when you wish to conceal your birthday celebration info, you have to take a various course. From your Facebook profile, click on the About area. Scroll down till you reach the Standard Info section.

Hide Birthday On Facebook

You'll notice two fields: Birth Day and Birth Year. Float your cursor over each field in order to start making changes.

Prior to the "Edit" switch, there must be a gray symbol indicating the degree of gain access to you currently have. Click that as well as select a choice from the given checklist:

1. Public (visible to all Facebook users).
2. Friends (visible only to your Facebook friends).
3. Only me (only you can see your birthday).
4. Custom.

Hide Birthday On Facebook

The custom-made section works similarly to exactly how careful offline conversation settings function. You can add individuals by hand or via listings and also pick whether or not to allow them view your birthday celebration.